FORMA Cryo Body Aesthetics

Mobile service: We come to you!

Remove Fat Permanently

In Just One Session!

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At-Home Treatments

Cryo T-Shock

Immediate Results

Prefer to call? Call (424) 842-1942

How it works in 3 simple steps

Our process is designed to optimize your Cryo T-Shock body sculpting and cellulite reduction journey for maximum results.

Free Consultation

Submit your information to receive a virtual consultation with one of our experts to discuss your customized treatment plan.

Treatments At-Home

We will bring the treatment to you, allowing you to experience the results in the convenience and comfort of your home.

Immediate Results

After just one treatment, most patients notice skin tightening, with longer term lasting results of 28% permanent reduction of fat and cellulite. Zero downtime!

Cryo T-Shock

Clinically proven to burn fat & reduce cellulite!


Of 70 women, 99% saw substantial fat volume reduction.

Visible results after first treatment session.

Among 92 women, 88% had either complete dimple reduction or improved skin texture.

Based on clinical research studies.*

Get the results you want


"I had two sessions on my face and arms, and the results were immediate and relaxing. I can't wait for my next appointment! I bought a package and it's totally worth it. It firmed up my face, lifted my cheekbones, and reduced cellulite on my arms. This treatment really works!

FORMA Cryo Body Aesthetics

Rachel R.

Verified Patient


"I loved my session with Alex and can’t wait for the next! I’ve been researching solutions for the cellulite on my legs for as long as it’s been there, and became interested in targeted cryotherapy/fat freezing as an option. I heard good things from a friend about FORMA so decided to try. Already noticed that my skin is firmer and smoother!"

FORMA Cryo Body Aesthetics

Kate C.

Verified Patient


"Highly recommend!! Alex was very knowledgeable about procedure, so I felt relaxed and enjoyed the experience. Even after one treatment of cryotherapy on my stomach. I’m already noticing a change! Grateful for technology like this after having 4 kids! Best ever to have no down time!

FORMA Cryo Body Aesthetics

Marie G.

Verified Patient


"I tried my first body treatment and I'm thrilled I did! Alex was knowledgeable and made it enjoyable. Even with diet and exercise, stubborn areas persist, so I gave it a shot. I saw results in a week and can't wait for my next appointment. The mobile option is convenient and comfortable at home. Highly recommend!"

FORMA Cryo Body Aesthetics

Harleen J.

Verified Patient


"I've only done one treatment on my midsection so far, but I will be back for more! After having 4 kids and losing 90lbs, my main concerns are loose skin and stretch marks, and this helps. Alex is so warm and professional and she was happy to answer every question I had in detail. I learned so much about the process and I'm excited to continue treatment!"

FORMA Cryo Body Aesthetics

Elissa B.

Verified Patient


"After a session, I could see immediate results in the best possible way. The actual procedure is very comfortable with no pain at all associated with it. If you’re looking for a non-invasive rejuvenating procedure that won’t make you look strange, look no further than this."

FORMA Cryo Body Aesthetics

Andrea D.

Verified Patient

*Individual results from treatment may vary, and individual testimonials provided by clients are based on their personal experiences.

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Frequently asked questions

Is Cryo T-Shock body sculpting safe?

Cryo T-Shock treatments are considered safe when administered by trained professionals. This non-invasive cosmetic procedure utilizes cryotherapy to reduce fat and enhance skin appearance. However, individual responses and potential side effects may vary, so it's crucial to consult with a qualified technician, discuss your suitability, and manage expectations before undergoing treatments.

What are the benefits of Cryo T-Shock Body Sculpting?

Cryo T-Shock Body Sculpting is a cosmetic procedure that offers several potential benefits, including:

Fat Reduction: Cryo T-Shock can help target and reduce localized fat deposits in areas such as the abdomen, thighs, arms, and love handles.

Cellulite Reduction: The treatment may improve the appearance of cellulite by enhancing skin tone and reducing the dimpled appearance often associated with it.

Tightening: Cryo T-Shock can stimulate collagen production, leading to firmer and tighter skin.

Enhanced Circulation: Cold therapy during the treatment can improve blood circulation, potentially promoting overall skin health.

Reduced Inflammation: Cold temperatures used in the procedure may help reduce inflammation and relieve muscle soreness.

Non-Invasive: Cryo T-Shock is a non-invasive alternative to surgical procedures like liposuction, with little to no downtime.

No Anesthesia or Scarring: Unlike surgery, Cryo T-Shock does not require anesthesia, and it typically leaves no scars.

Customizable: The treatment is customizable to target specific areas of concern, allowing for personalized body sculpting.

Quick Sessions: Cryo T-Shock sessions are relatively short, making it convenient for those with busy schedules.

Is Cryo T-Shock painful?

Cryo T-Shock Body Sculpting is generally not considered painful. In fact, many people find the treatment to be comfortable and tolerable. During the procedure, the targeted area of the body is exposed to cold temperatures, but the cooling process is typically gradual and controlled.

How soon will I see the results?

The initial outcomes typically become noticeable approximately one week after the initial session. It's important to understand that the most significant and optimal results become evident after a series of sessions between 2 to 3 weeks after commencing treatments. The benefits will continue to improve over several months post-treatment.

How long will the results of T-Shock body sculpting last?

Results can last several months to years with periodic maintenance and a healthy lifestyle. Weight stability and adherence to post-treatment recommendations are key factors in determining the longevity of Cryo T-Shock results.

How does this help reduce cellulite?

The Cryo T-Shock employs sub-zero temperatures to reach beneath the skin, targeting fat cells and cellulite. The Cryo T-Shock initiates a process within the fat cells to break the bonds holding the cellulite deposits together, effectively destroying the composition. The eliminated fat cell matter then enters the bloodstream and is gradually eliminated through the lymphatic system.

Do you offer mobile services?

Absolutely! We provide mobile services for maximum convenience and comfort. You can also  book a session at our office in Encino.

The #1 Mobile Body Sculpting Experts in California

Personalized Care ~ Tailored to Your Needs

Expert Guidance ~ Qualified Specialists

Proven Outcomes ~ Clinically Verified Results

Effortless Access ~ Convenient At-Home Solutions

Prefer to call? Call (424) 842-1942

FORMA Cryo Body Aesthetics

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